Thursday, May 31, 2012

Using Queen Cells

According to this reading, you will often end up with an excess of queen cells compared to the number of mating nucs available. In this case you can either give them to a neighbour to use or save them for yourself in a Queen Bank. The queens must be mated and not stay virgins or they will not be very useful. If there are still to many queen cells they can be used to make a queen pheromone lure used to make bees swarm. Do this by placing the emerged queens into alcohol and let them sit for several months in the jar with alcohol. It can then be used as the swarm lure.
THis article seems very smart. It has several ways of dealing with extras which is a very good way to avoid more waste on the planet and aid others or yourself in the process. Out of the 4 readings from this website I fount this one the clearest and easiest to follow.

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