Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bokashi Fermentation

I was very interested to find out from The Composting Guy's Guide to Bokashi that you can even through meat and dairy into the Bokashi as well as all the usual brown and green materials. It was also very interesting that the liquid from the waste materials can be poured down the drains to eliminate odours. I originally would have thought the liquid would cause odours. That is another thing I was interested to read, that the bokashi box has no bad odour.
When I'm at my compost next time I will check to see if mine has an odour or not.
I'm interested to know what other "goodies" would benefit the bokashi mix besides kelp or rock dust?

1 comment:

  1. I'm personally not convinced about the no odor thing... Everyone I know who has used Bokashi has stopped because of the smell. I think you just need to always be monitoring it.
