Monday, October 24, 2011

Common Bee Diseases

Interesting elements from Beekeeping Made Easy: Pest/Disease Program:
  • Three types of brood, however all very different, only AFB means burn everything
  • Nosema and paralysis is only found in adult bees
  • Small hive beetles prefer queenless hives
Next time I'm in the apiary I will look to see if there are any signs of brood (any of the three kinds)

Questions from this reading:
  • What is it about vegetable oil that blocks the sent that attracts tracheal mites?
  • Why are animals such as squirrels able to mess with hives without being stung or effected by stings?

1 comment:

  1. Good questions. I have a mouse at my home hive who has set up a burrow directly beneath the hive. The bees just seem to leave it alone. I have a skunk who comes around every night. The bees sting the heck out of it, but it seems to be able to take it for a while before starting to jump around.

    Thankfully I've never seen any of the brood diseases but I'm told the smell of them is like hitting a wall, so it should be fairly obvious.
