Thursday, September 22, 2011

Planting Winter Crops

West Coast Seeds guide to Winter Crops in BC interested me when I saw how much of a variety there can be in winter from our own gardens. It was interesting to see the different types of row coverings there are for winter. Also how the row covers can increase the temperature under them by 5 degrees! That's quite a difference in Vancouver weather. I never realized how much planning truly goes into a successful full-year garden. Every starting of all the plants has to been known in advance.
Next time I'm in the garden I will pay attention to what plants are beginning to die now that the weather is changing, and what plants are still healthy.
This made me wonder how many of the plants listed in the article can be grown in similar climates that are either a little cooler or a little hotter. It would be interesting to know how much variation they can take. I also wonder out of all of the winter crops, which is the most successful?

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of the same questions as you.
    My favourite winter crop is always garlic because the colder it gets the better it does. I guess we'll find out how some of the other plants do this winter.
