Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In the news article discussing the Canadian Wheat Board, I was interested to read that about 56 percent of eligible farmers voted in the plebiscite for the Canadian Wheat Board, however there is difficulty to get that many voters out for federal elections! I'm also interested to read that the federal government will continue with it's decision making based on their political mandate rather than taking into account the recent plebiscite. Jack Wilkinson's comment was very interesting. He made a good point. With 10 billion people that need to be fed, we need a strong agriculture system. Having just been to Africa this past summer, I am a witness to how much usable land there is there that is being wasted or ignored.
Next time I'm in the garden, I will look to see how much of the food I am growing there is going to waste and how efficiently the space is used.
This article made me wonder how Lemieux plans on using technology and science for a technology that has been used for millions of years. I can understand how there may be some benefits to being able to map out a plan with a computer. But when it comes down to it, farming is farming. I also ask why the government is so blatantly ignoring the results of the plebiscite instead of working with it?

1 comment:

  1. This is a really tough problem. I've spoken with farmers on both sides of the issue, and both make great points. The way it currently stands, some farmers have no choice but to sell to the wheat board at the wheat board's prices. So even if they could sell for higher to their neighbours they are not allowed.
    However, once the wheat board goes, many farmers feel that the smaller farmers will be driven out by the conglomerates because they won't be able to handle volume sales.

    A very tricky debate!
