Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Interesting elements from the video:
  • 30%-50% of hives per year are being lost in the U.S.
  • Systemic pesticides are always in the plant from the roots all the way up to the nectar and were released onto the shelves before all the environmental effects were known
  • The EPA does not perform the tests, it is the businesses that do the tests
  • An average of 6 different pesticides but up to 39 pesticides in hives across the U.S. in each sample found in a study done in part by Pen university
  • Short term consequences are being considered but long term consequences are not being taken into account
  • Industries can bend tests to benefit themselves
Questions I now have
  • How can we prove (faster) that declining honey bee numbers is linked to pesticides?
  • Why are administrators approving pesticides when it is the scientists who know all the data and results?

1 comment:

  1. Your question made me think of an old Max Planck quote: " Science progresses one funeral at a time". Unfortunately nothing is ever proved quickly. I guess my thought is that policy should be in place whereby consensus has been achieved before the product is launched instead of the other way around.
