Friday, November 25, 2011

Silent Spring

Interesting elements from Ch.3: Elixirs of Death of the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson:
  • Synthetic chemicals/insecticides were a result of studies during WWII for weapons in chemical warfare that happen to be deadly to insects
  • One can substitute other elements for Hydrogen in a hydrogen carbon bond
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides pass through the placenta to the embryo while in the mothers womb
  • When swallowed dieldrin is 5 times more toxic than DDT but when absorbed through the skin it is 40 times more toxic
  • The toxicity of organic phosphates can be increase by non-insecticide agents
  • Herbicides can cause gene mutations
  • How easily accessible are these chemicals to an average person?
  • How many long term effects are still undiscovered?

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